
Wig Color Search

Use the form below to search our color database to see pictures of colors. All images are property of Ace Wigs - The Original Wigsite ® USA.

Color Search Results

Use the list below to understand the abbreviations in color names:

B = Blended
BT = Blended and Tipped
CH = Chunked (Chunked Highlights)
ET = Lighter Bangs, Dark Roots, Darker in Back
F = Frosted
FS = Frosted Syrup colors
GR = Gradient ( Darker Roots with Lighter Tips)
H = Highlighted
HH = Human Hair
HL = Highlighted
LF = Lighter Front
MBF = Fashion color that is Mixed and Blended with a darker Nape
MB = Mix and Blend
R = Rooted
RH = Rooted and Highlights
S = Shaded
T = Tipped

Blended colors will vary between short and long wig styles. There also will be slight variances between manufacturers lots. This is true with all brands.