  • Shampoo from Rene' of Paris - 9950 - Accessories
  • Shampoo from Rene' of Paris - 9950 - Accessories
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Shampoo from Rene' of Paris - 9950

By Accessories

By René of Paris

This luxuirous shampoo and conditioner is the ultimate in moisure replenishing cleansers. The gentle condition of plant and vegetable extrats, along with natural essential oils and vitamins, provides a gentle but thorough cleansing of the hair. Prolong the life of your wig by using quality care products Rene of Paris has to offer. 8 oz. ROP Prepare Shampoo consists of only the highest ingredients yet is gentle enough to use on synthetic wigs. Use with ROP Revive Liquid Enhancement for added benefits.

Weight: 8 oz.
Sizes: 8 0z.

Salon Price: $18.00
Ace Wigs Price: $12.00

Available in the following Accessories colors:

  Available in the following sizes: