  • Madison US-195 - ASPEN WIGS by C & S Fashions
  • Madison US-195 - ASPEN WIGS by C & S Fashions
  • Madison US-195 - ASPEN WIGS by C & S Fashions
  • Madison US-195 - ASPEN WIGS by C & S Fashions
  • Madison US-195 - ASPEN WIGS by C & S Fashions
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Madison US-195

By ASPEN WIGS by C & S Fashions

Synthetic Hair with a Full Monofilament Cap

Soft wave with tapered back and longer volume top. Short barreled curls give our Madison wig full volume and a unique flair, while the blended nape covers and conceals in order to provide a style you can wear any day of the week. Mono top and Machine back gives the front and top of the wig a perfectly natural appearance. Made especially for alopecia and cancer patients, but can be used for fashion as well.

Hair Length: Bangs 4" - Crown 3½" - Sides 3" - Nape 2"
Sizes: Average
Color Shown: 8/18/24H and 14/24

Salon Price: $409.00
Ace Wigs Price: $351.00
New Sale! $234.00

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  Available in the following sizes: