Available in the following colors:
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1B - Off Black 2 - Darkest Brown 4 Dark Brown 6 Medium Chestnut Brown 9 Tones - 9 differen colors irregulary mixed 14/88A - Dark Blond highlighted with various light blonds 14/88A/6 - Dark Blond highlighted with various light blonds and dark roots 17/101 - Fade Brown+Ash Blond 24B/18T - Ash Brown tipped with Gold Blond 613L/8 829BGR/2 - Medium Chestnut Brown) Highlited with 29 (Yellow Red) 92 - Dark brown blended with 90% grey on top, gradually darkening to 50% grey at ends Camel Brown - A make up of colors 6,8,12 - Blend of Dark Brown, Light Chestnut Brown and Dark Ash Blonde Flame - Medium Auburn base highlighted w/ Strawberry Blonde & Ash Blonde Golden Blonde - 4 color Blonde Blend = 14,24,613,88 Pine Cone Platinum - Brightest Blonde Rocky Road - Chestnut Brown base highlighted Ash Blonde SF12/28/4 - Light Golden Brown + Brassy Red with dark roots Swedish Almond - Honey Blonde blended w/Medium Blonde White Fox Wild Fire - Strawberry Blonde, Medium Auburn, with Copper highlights