Available in the following colors:
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G31+ Mango Mist G56+ Sugared Silver - White and Light Grey with 5% Very Light Brown G58+ Sugared Almond - White Blended with 30% Light Grey and 30% Dark Grey G630+ Chocolate Copper Mist - Darkest Brown and Deepest Auburn Blend G2+ Licorice Mist - Very Darkest Brown (looks black in a dark room) G4+ Dark Chocolate Mist G6+ Coffee Mist - Dark Brown Blended G8+ Chestnut Mist - Dark Brown and Chestnut Brown Blended 305C Sugared Smoke - Lightest Grey/White with a Hint of Light Brown and White Bangs and Darker Nape 511C Sugared Charcoal - Dark Grey Highlighted and Tipped with Light Grey G10+ Nutmeg Mist - A Smooth Light Brown Blend G101+ Platinum Mist - Dirty Platinum Blonde with Very Light Brown Nape G11+ Mocha Mist - Two Dark Blonds blended with Golden Blonde Plus + a Dark Brown Nape G12+ Pecan Mist - Light Pecan Brown with a Medium Brown Nape (C) G13+ Cappuccino Mist - Medium Brown blended with Dark Blonde with a Dark Brown Nape G14+ Almond Mist - Golden Almond Blonde with a Medium Brown Nape G15+ Buttered Toast Mist - Butterscotch Blonde Blended with Light Blonde with Light Auburn Nape G16+ Honey Mist - Light Golden Blonde with a Light Pecan with a Dark Blonde Nape G17+ Vanilla Mist - Golden Blonde with a Light Brown Nape G19+ Praline Mist - Light Ash Blonde and Light Golden Blonde with a Medium Brown Nape (C) G20+ Wheat Mist - Very Light Blonde with a slightly darker Blonde nape (C) G27+ Ginger Mist - Light Auburn and Strawberry Blonde with a Dark Auburn Nape G29+ Cayenne Mist - Medium Auburn, Light Auburn and Light Golden Blonde Blended, and a Medium Auburn Nape G30+ Paparika Mist - Auburn Base with a Darker Auburn Nape G38+ Sugared Walnut - Medium Brown with 25% Gray G48+ Sugared Pecan - Lightest Brown with 55% Gray and a Light Brown Nape G60+ Burnished Snow - Off White with 5% Light Grey G811+ Mahogany Mist - Golden Blonde Blended with Dark Brown with a Dark Brown Nape G829+ Dark Cinnamon Mist - Darkest Brown, Darkest Auburn and Darkest Copper Blend