  • Platinum Lace Front 003 - Louis Ferre Wigs
  • Platinum Lace Front 003 - Louis Ferre Wigs
  • Platinum Lace Front 003 - Louis Ferre Wigs
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Platinum Lace Front 003

By Louis Ferre Wigs

100% Human Hair witrh a Full Monofilament Cap and a Lace Front that is all Hand Tied....

Short,sweet and ever popular Garmin style that urchins onto the face. Add a touch of understated elegance to your look with this simple but stylish wig. The hand-tied knots are durable and brilliantly crafted for natural looking wig. Hand-tied by a skilled craftsperson, the wig has a carefully refined look that mass machine produce wig simply can’t replicate. The hand-tied makes this wig durable for everyday wear.

Weight: 2.7 oz
Hair Length: Bangs 4.5" - Crown 4.5" - Nape 3.25"
Sizes: Average
Color Shown: Light Chocolate and Spring Acorn Root

Salon Price: $2000.00
Ace Wigs Price: $1600.00
New Sale! $1440.00

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