  • PB - Olleh - Vivica Fox
  • PB - Olleh - Vivica Fox
  • PB - Olleh - Vivica Fox
  • PB - Olleh - Vivica Fox
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PB - Olleh

By Vivica Fox

32" Heat Friendly Synthetic Hair Pocket Bun with a Drawstring

The PB-Olleh wig by Vivica Fox is a pocket bun wig that comes with a 32-inch water wave pocket bun. It is made with New Futura Fibers that resemble natural hair and can withstand heat up to 356°F. The water wave style of the pocket bun gives the wig a natural and beautiful appearance, making it a suitable option for people who prefer a more authentic look. The wig's design allows for easy styling and versatility, and the position and style of the bun can be changed according to one's preference.

Hair Length: 32"
Sizes: 32"
Color Shown: FS4/30

Salon Price: $27.00
Ace Wigs Price: $22.00

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  Available in the following sizes: